I remember a John Belushi sketch on Saturday Night Live where he played an obnoxious house guest called "The Thing That Wouldn't Leave," and that sums up the R months here perfectly.
Unfortunately, you can't speed up winter, but there are some things you can do to lessen its impact.
Salt is as much of a part of winter as snow. Something to get rid of that ice and snow and make walkways safe is a must. You don't want to be a human toboggan when you go out to get the mail or navigate the parking lot.
That leads us to the next "joy" of winter . . . and the bane; that white filmy stuff that seems to grow across roads and, if you're not careful, your floors. Ice melter, great as the stuff is, can leave behind a residue of hard water, salt, and snow that finally gave up its will to live.
A good rinse can neutralize salts and slush and get rid of that ugly stuff on floors, and, more importantly – keep them from damaging your finish. This is good for households or pet-friendly businesses as well. A lot of the chemical weaponry dumped on ice is toxic to pets, and clearing it up gives you one less thing to worry about.
Extra towels to blot tracked-in snow are a great idea. There are times when it looks like my laundry hamper imploded in my front entryway, and I don't care – my floors aren't damaged, and tossing dirty towels in the washer takes a fraction of the time of mopping.
Extra mats help too. At home, I throw clean, worn-out rugs or bath mats in my garage to keep winter out of my house and outside where it belongs.
Windows may need extra attention. Watch for water coming in and be ready to seal. I had a moment of panic here when the windowsills appeared wet, and saw that it was a clear, strategically-placed caulk.
We Fight Dirty!™ . . . we'll help you get ready for whatever Old Man Winter dishes out.